Local organizers

TESTCOM-FATES-FORTE07 are hosted by Institute of Cybernetics, a research institution affiliated to Tallinn University of Technology, and Department of Computer Science of Tallinn University of Technology.

Institute of Cybernetics, IoC, established 1960 as an Estonian Academy of Sciences research institute, is today a research institute of Tallinn University of Technology with approx 40 research staff. The research fields are control science, certain areas of mechanics and applied mathematics, and certain areas of computer science, incl. logic and semantics. The institute is the seat of two national centers of excellence: the center for non-linear studies and the center for dependable computing. Tallinn University of Technology, established 1918, has approx 700 academic staff and 10000 students and is the main technical university of the country and also the largest university in Tallinn. The department of computer science is the youngest and smallest, but one of the quickest developing departments in the faculty of information technology.

Contact data:

Institute of Cybernetics
Akadeemia tee 21
EE-12618 Tallinn
fax +372 620 4151
email tff07(at)ioc.ee

Local organizers:

Juhan Ernits (local arrangements chair)
Jaagup Irve
Monika Perkmann (registrations chair)
Ando Saabas
Kristi Uustalu
Tarmo Uustalu

Please address all correspondence regarding the local organization of the conferences, incl. registration, to the above email address. Otherwise you are risking a late answer.

Last changed February 16, 2007 22:42 EET by local organizers, tff07(at)ioc.ee