Tüübid ja analüüsid skriptikeeltele (kevad 2008)

Registreerumine: Kursusele registreerumiseks deklarareerida selle kuulamine vastavalt kehtivale korrale dekanaadis (st ÕISis), kuid saata ka meil Tarmo Uustalule aadressil firstname(at)cs.ioc.ee. Tähtaeg: 11.2.2008 kl 17.00.

Kood: ITT9203

Punkte: 2.0 AP

Tunde: 9 tundi loenguid

Tunniplaan: loengud E 25.2. kl 14-17 , T 26.2 kl 14-17, K 27.2 kl 9-12 Küberneetika Maja (Akadeemia tee 21) ruumis C231 E 25.2, ruumis B101 kahel ülejäänud päeval

Kontrollivorm: eksam

Eksam: Eksamihinde saamiseks tuleb lahendada komplekt koduülesandeid/teostada miniprojekt. Tähtaeg R 11.4.2008! Konsultatsioon E 24.3. kl 14 KübI B101 (Tarmo Uustalu).

Õppejõud: prof. Peter Thiemann, Institut für Informatik, Universität Freiburg

Kontakt: Tarmo Uustalu, firstname(at)cs.ioc.ee, 620 4250

Kursus toimub RAKi Meetme 1.1 IKT doktorikooli projekti raames.

Types and analyses for scripting languages

Prof. Peter Thiemann
Institut für Informatik
Universität Freiburg


Scripting languages abound in contemporary programming. They have been conceived for controlling complex applications, exploratory programming with powerful libraries, for gluing together different components, and for solving one-off tasks.

Most scripting languages have a weak type system that enables them to freely convert between different datatypes. Strings play a vital role and they often serve as substitutes for other structured datatypes like enumerations, records, and algebraic datatypes.

A weak, string-centric type system simplifies the language's use as glue, but it introduces a range of problems as soon as scripts reach a certain size:

For these reasons, analysis and type systems are being conceived to reduce the impact of these problems. The lectures consider a selection of these systems and point out further directions. The references provide a basis for the material of the lectures.


(All fulltexts available from within TUT computer network.)

Course material

Tarmo Uustalu
Viimane uuendus 14.3.2008