Organised within the framework of
Doctoral School in ICT



Lecturer: Prof. Alexey. N. Zhirabok (D Sc)
Far Eastern State Technical University, Vladivostok, Russia.

Place: IoC B 101 (Akadeemia tee 21)

Schedule (total 4 lectures):
Monday, April 26, 14.00-16.00
Thursday, April 29, 11.00-13.00
Monday, May 3, 14.00-16.00
Thursday, May 6, 11.00-13.00


In the short course the methods for the study of the control systems, based on the algebra of functions, are described. The algebra of functions was inspired by the algebra of partitions developed in 60s for studying finite automata or discrete event systems. The idea was to replace the partitions with the functions that induce the partitions and to develop the appropriate procedures and algorithms. That way the tools are suitable to address, besides the discrete event systems, also the continuous- and discrete-time systems in aunified manner. Of course, the unification works here on the conceptual and algorithmic level, the computations are different for different model classes.

The short course introduces the main elements of the algebra of functions in a relaxed manner supported with numerous simple examples and also shows what these concepts yield in the case of linear systems. Then it will be demonstrated on a number of important control problems how to apply the algebra of functions for solving these problems. The problems covered include the analysis of observability, controllability and identifiability. Again, the theory is supported by many examples.