Matt Earnshaw

I am a PhD student (Nov. 2020-) in the Compositionality Group at Tallinn University of Technology under the supervision of Paweł Sobociński.

My research interests lie broadly in applications of category theory to computer science.


Preprints and Extended Abstracts

Selected Talks


  • Spring 2022, 2024 – I was a lecturer/teaching assistant for Functional Programming.
  • Spring 2021, 2023 – I was a lecturer/teaching assistant for Intro to Category Theory and its Applications.



  • 2016–2020 — I was senior software developer in the Silver Lab, Department of Neuroscience, University College London.
  • 2015 — I obtained a Masters degree in Physics from Imperial College London.

Figure 1:

Tallinn University of Technology, Cybernetics Building, Akadeemia tee 21/1, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia

Last Modified: 2024-07-08