Publications of Pearu Peterson, PhD


Papers in Refereed Journals (CC)

[Peterson, Kalda, Vendelin, 2013]
Pearu Peterson, Mari Kalda, Marko Vendelin. Real-time Determination of Sarcomere Length of a Single Cardiomyocyte during Contraction. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, Article in Press.
[Schryer, Peterson, Illaste, Vendelin, 2012]
David W Schryer, Pearu Peterson, Ardo Illaste, Marko Vendelin. Sensitivity Analysis of Flux Determination in Heart by H218O -provided Labeling Using a Dynamic Isotopologue Model of Energy Transfer Pathways. PLoS Comput Biol, 8(12):e1002795.
[Illaste, Laasmaa, Peterson, Vendelin, 2012]
Ardo Illaste, Martin Laasmaa, Pearu Peterson, and Marko Vendelin. Analysis of Molecular Movement Reveals Latticelike Obstructions to Diffusion in Heart Muscle Cells. Biophysical Journal, 102(4):739-748.
[Karo, Peterson, Vendelin, 2012]
Jaanus Karo, Pearu Peterson, and Marko Vendelin. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Creatine Kinase and Adenine Nucleotide Translocase in Mitochondrial Membrane Patch. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(10):7467-7476.
[Schryer, Vendelin, Peterson, 2011]
David W Schryer, Marko Vendelin, and Pearu Peterson. Symbolic flux analysis for genome-scale metabolic networks. BMC Systems Biology, 5:81, 2011.
[Laasmaa, Vendelin, Peterson, 2011]
Martin Laasmaa, Marko Vendelin, and Pearu Peterson. Application of regularized Richardson-Lucy algorithm for deconvolution of confocal microscopy images. Journal of Microscopy, 243(2):124-140, 2011. Open Access.
[Schryer, Peterson, Paalme, Vendelin, 2009]
David W. Schryer, Pearu Peterson, Toomas Paalme, and Marko Vendelin. Bidirectionality and Compartmentation of Metabolic Fluxes Are Revealed in the Dynamics of Isotopomer Networks. Internation Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10(4):1697-1718, 2009.
[Peterson, Soomere, Engelbrecht, van Groesen, 2003]
P. Peterson, T. Soomere, J. Engelbrecht, and E. van Groesen. Soliton interaction as a possible model for extreme waves in shallow water. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 10:503-510, 2003.
[Salupere, Engelbrecht, Peterson, 2003]
A. Salupere, J. Engelbrecht, and P. Peterson. On the long-time behaviour of soliton ensembles. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 62(1-2):137-147, 2003.
[Salupere, Peterson, Engelbrecht, 2003]
A. Salupere, P. Peterson, and J. Engelbrecht. Long-time behaviour of soliton ensembles. Part II. Periodical patterns of trajectories. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 15(1):29-40, 2003.
[Peterson, 2002]
Pearu Peterson. Reconstruction of multi-soliton interactions using crest data for (2+1)-dimensional KdV type equations. Physica D, 171(4):221-235, 2002.
[Salupere, Peterson, Engelbrecht, 2002]
A. Salupere, P. Peterson, and J. Engelbrecht. Long-time behaviour of soliton ensembles. Part I. Emergence of ensembles. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 14(9):1413-1424, 2002.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 2001]
Pearu Peterson and E. van Groesen. Sensitivity of the inverse wave crest problem. Wave Motion, 34(4):391--399, 2001.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 2000]
Pearu Peterson and E. van Groesen. A direct and inverse problem for wave crests modelled by interactions of two solitons. Physica D, 141:316--332, 2000.

Papers in Refereed Journals

[Peterson, 2009]
Pearu Peterson. F2PY: a tool for connecting Fortran and Python programs. Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, 4 (4):296-305, 2009. Authors post-peer review, accepted paper submitted for final publication by Inderscience
[Ilison, Lauri; Salupere, Peterson, 2007]
L. Illision, A. Salupere, and P. Peterson On the propagation of localized perturbations in media with microstructure. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 56(2):84--92, 2007.
[Salupere, Tamm, Engelbrecht, Peterson, 2007]
Salupere, A.; Tamm, K.; Engelbrecht, J.; Peterson, P. On the interaction of deformation waves in microstructured solids. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 56(2):93--99, 2007.
[Soomete, Elken, Kask, Keevallik, Kõuts, Metsaveer, Peterson, 2003]
Tarmo Soomere, Jüri Elken, Jüri Kask, Sirje Keevallik, Tarmo Kõuts, Jaan Metsaveer, and Pearu Peterson. Fast ferries as a new key forcing factor in Tallinn Bay. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng., 9(3):220--242, 2003.
[Karjanto, van Groesen, Peterson, 2002]
Natanael Karjanto, E. van Groesen, and Pearu Peterson. Investigation of the maximum amplitude increase from the Benjamin-Feir instability. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society (Jurnal MIHMI), 8:39--47, 2002.
[Peterson, Salupere, 1997]
P. Peterson and A. Salupere. Solitons in a perturbed Korteweg-de Vries system. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 46(1/2):102--110, 1997.


[Peterson, PhD, 2001]
Pearu Peterson. Multi-soliton interactions and the inverse problem of wave crests. PhD Thesis, Tallinn Technical University, November 2001.
[Peterson, MSc, 1997]
Pearu Peterson. Travelling waves in nonconservative media with dispersion. MSc Thesis. Tallinn Technical University, June 1997.

Papers at Refereed Conference Proceedings

[Kalda, Peterson, Engelbrecht, Vendelin, 2013]
Mari Kalda, Pearu Peterson, Jüri Engelbrecht, Marko Vendelin A Cross-Bridge Model Describing the Mechanoenergetics of Actomyosin Interaction. In Computer Models in Biomechanics, Springer, Netherlands, 2013, 91-102.
[Peterson, Martins, Alonso, 2001]
P. Peterson, J. R. R. A. Martins, and J. J. Alonso. Fortran to Python Interface Generator with an Application to Aerospace Engineering. In Proceedings of the 9th International Python Conference, Long Beach, California, 2001, CDROM.
[Engelbrecht, Salupere, Peterson, 1999]
J. Engelbrecht, A. Salupere, and P. Peterson. Nonlinear wave motion: Complexity and simplicity revisited. In E. Lavendelis and M. Zakrzhevsky (eds.), Proc. of the IUTAM/IFToMM Symposium on Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999, 25-36.
[Peterson, 1997]
P. Peterson. Travelling waves in forced Korteweg-de Vries system. In 10th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia, October 24-25, 1997.


[Peterson, van Groesen, 2001]
P. Peterson and E. van Groesen. Wave interaction patterns and prediction of wave parameters. In Symposium on Mathematical Support for Hydrodynamic Laboratories (LabMath), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, September 9--11, 2001.
[Engelbrecht, Salupere, Peterson, 2001]
J. Engelbrecht, A. Salupere, and P. Peterson. Soliton ensembles and the periodicity in their interaction patterns. In Seminar and Workshop on Nonlinear Lattice Structure and Dynamics, Dresden, Germany, September 4--28, 2001.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 2000]
P. Peterson and E. van Groesen. The direct and inverse problem of wave crests. In 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- ICTAM 2000, page 44, Chicago, August 27--September 2, 2000.
[Engelbrecht, Salupere, Peterson, Maugin, 1997]
J. Engelbrecht, A. Salupere, P. Peterson, and G.A. Maugin. Solitary waves in dispersive solids. In 3rd EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, page 336. KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, August 18--22 1997.
[Peterson, Salupere, 1997]
P. Peterson and A. Salupere. Solitons in a perturbed Korteweg-de Vries system. In EUROMECH 348, Nonlinear Dynamics of Heterogeneous and Microstuctured Solids, page 38. Tallinn, Estonian Acad. Sci., May 22--26 1996.


[Peterson, 2012]
Pearu Peterson Design Cluster: a web application for composing optimal CENS HPCC.
[Peterson, 2012]
Pearu Peterson. Simple RPC C++: a simple RPC wrapper generator to C/C++ functions.
[Peterson, 2012]
Pearu Peterson. IOCBio Sarcomere length and fundamental period software.
[Peterson, Schryer, 2012]
Pearu Peterson and David W. Schryer. Mass isotopologue equations generator.
[Peterson, Schryer, 2011]
Pearu Peterson and David W. Schryer. Steady state flux analysis module.
[Peterson, 2009--]
Pearu Peterson. PyLibNIDAQmx: exposes NI-DAQmx software driver to Python.
[Peterson, 2009--]
Pearu Peterson. PyLibTiff: wraps libtiff library to Python.
[Peterson, Laasmaa, 2009--]
Pearu Peterson, Martin Laasmaa. IOC Microscope: tools for manipulating and analyzing 3D microscope images.
[Peterson, 2009]
Pearu Peterson IOCBio - open-source software from the Laboratory of Systems Biology.
[Peterson, Johansson, 2007--]
Pearu Peterson and Fredrik Johansson. SympyCore - an efficient pure Python Computer Algebra System.
[Peterson, 2006]
Pearu Peterson. symbolic: Symbolic manipulation package for Python. Availability: contact the author.
[Peterson, 2006--]
Pearu Peterson. G3 F2PY: The Third Generation of F2PY.
[Peterson, 2004]
Pearu Peterson. fdfpack: Finite Difference Formula package for Python. Available in SciPy sandbox via SVN checkout.
[Peterson, 2001--]
Pearu Peterson. PyVTK: Tools for manipulating VTK files in Python.
[Peterson, 2001]
Pearu Peterson. mgppp: Preprocessor for MagicPoint presentation files for inclusion of LaTeX text.
[Peterson, 2000]
Pearu Peterson polyhedron: A Python wrapper to CDDLIB.
[Peterson, 1999--]
Pearu Peterson. F2PY: Fortran to Python interface generator. Now part of NumPy.
[Jones, Oliphant, Peterson, 2001--]
Eric Jones, Travis Oliphant, Pearu Peterson and others. SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python.



[Peterson, 2009]
P. Peterson. An efficient Computer Algebra System for Python. In SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering, Miami Hilton Hotel, Miami, Florida, USA, March 2--6 2009. SLIDES
[Schryer, Peterson, Palme, Vendelin, 2009]
D. W. Schryer, P. Peterson, T. Paalme, M. Vendelin. Isotopomeric 13C Labeling of Amino Acids Reveal Compartmentation in Saccharomyces uvarum. In Biophysical Society 53rd Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, February 28--March 4 2009.
[Laasmaa, Peterson, Birkedal, Vendelin, 2009]
M. Laasmaa, P. Peterson, R. Birkedal, M. Vendelin. 3D Confocal Microscope Image Enhancement by Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution Algorithm with Total Variation Regularization. In Biophysical Society 53rd Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, February 28--March 4 2009.
[Peterson, 2008]
P. Peterson. Scientific computations within Python: numerical and analytical tools. The 13th Estonian Theory Days, Jõulumäe, Estonia, October 3--4, 2008. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2008]
P. Peterson. On providing a Computer Algebra System for Python. In EuroSciPy 2008 Conference, Leipzig, Germany, July 26--27, 2008. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2007]
P. Peterson. The G3 F2PY for connecting Python and Fortran 90 programs. In Software Issues in Computational Science and Engineering, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 15-16, 2007. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2005]
P. Peterson. Ekstreemsete lainete modelleerimine. (Modelling extreme waves). In 12th Estonian Mechanics Days, Tallinn, Estonia, September 12--13, 2005. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2005]
Building user-friendly interfaces to high-quality Fortran libraries. In SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering, Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 12--15 2005. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2003]
Soliton interactions and interaction solitons. In Advanced Study School: Nonlinear Processes in Marine Sciences, Hageri, Estonia, October 12--19, 2003. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2002]
Pearu Peterson. Ekstreemsete lainete otsingul. (Searching for extreme waves.) In 8th Estonian Mathematics Days, Kääriku, Estonia, June 26--28 2002.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 2001]
P. Peterson and E. van Groesen. Wave interaction patterns and prediction of wave parameters. In Symposium on Mathematical Support for Hydrodynamic Laboratories (LabMath), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, September 9--11, 2001.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 2000]
P. Peterson and E. van Groesen. The direct and inverse problem of wave crests. In 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- ICTAM 2000, Chicago, August 27--September 2, 2000.
[Peterson, 1998]
P. Peterson. Pinnalained ja interaktsiooni solitonid. (Surface waves and interaction solitons). In 10th Estonian Mechanics Days, Aegviidu, Estonia, September 11--13 1998.
[Peterson, Salupere, 1997]
P. Peterson and A. Salupere. Travelling waves in forced Korteweg-de Vries system. In 10th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Tallinn, Estonia, October 24--25 1997.
[Peterson, Salupere, 1997]
P. Peterson and A. Salupere. Solitons in a perturbed Korteweg-de Vries system. In EUROMECH 348, Nonlinear Dynamics of Heterogeneous and Microstuctured Solids, Tallinn, Estonian Acad. Sci., May 22--26 1996.
[Peterson, 1996]
Pearu Peterson. Lainekest rakendused. (Applications of Wavelets.) In Workshop of Industrial Mathematics, Tallinn Technical University, March, 1996.


[Peterson, 2007]
Pearu Peterson. CENS computational cluster. Institute of Cybernetics. February 2007. SLIDES.
[Peterson, 2006]
Pearu Peterson. The future of F2PY in NumPy universe. Simula Research Laboratory, Lysaker, Norway, September 2006.
[Peterson, 2004]
Pearu Peterson. Interaction solitons in soliton interactions. CENS Intensive week: Nonlinear waves and applications, Institute of Cybernetics. September 2004.
[Peterson, 2004]
Pearu Peterson. Modelling of Freak Waves. Joint seminar of CMA and CENS, Institute of Cybernetics, March 2004.
[Peterson, 2004]
Pearu Peterson. Extreme waves. Seminar on Applied Mathematics, Institute of Cybernetics, February 2004.
[Peterson, 2003]
Pearu Peterson. Ekstreemsed lained ja nende modelleerimine (Modelling of extreme waves.) Annual seminar of Institute of Cybernetics, Pedase, September 2003.
[Peterson, 2003]
Pearu Peterson. Ekstreemsed lained ja nende evolutsiooni lähendusteta arvutus. (Extreme waves and non-approximate computation of their evolution.) CENS Seminar, Institute of Cybernetics, April 2003. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2002]
Pearu Peterson. Modeling of Extreme Waves. Exact solver for free-surface problem. MPCM Seminar, University of Twente, December 2002.
[Peterson, 2000]
Pearu Peterson. Conserving nonlinearity. Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, November 2000.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 1999]
Pearu Peterson and E. van Groesen. Wave crests. Maritime Research Institute Nethelands, Wageningen, December, 1999.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 1999]
Pearu Peterson and E. van Groesen. Looking down on waves. Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, December, 1999.
[Peterson, 1999]
Pearu Peterson. Laineharjade matemaatiline kirjeldus. (Mathematical description of wave crests.) Institute of Cybernetics, May, 1999.
[Peterson, 1998]
Pearu Peterson. Interaktsioonisolitonid. (Interaction solitons.) Annual seminar of Institute of Cybernetics, Aegviidu, October, 1998.
[Peterson, 1997]
Pearu Peterson. University of Twente, The Netherlands, March, 1997.
[Peterson, 1995]
Pearu Peterson. Tallinn Technical University, Institute of Mathematics, September, 1995.

Research Reports

[Soomere, Elken, Kask, Keevalik, Kouts, Peterson, Schwarzer, Talpas, 2002]
T. Soomere, J. Elken, A. Kask, S. Keevalik, T. Kouts, P. Peterson, K. Schwarzer, A. Talpas. The influence of ship wake wash on beaches of the Tallinn Bay and Naissaar and Aegna Islands, and the possibilities of its neutralizing. Research Report, Estonian Marine Institute, Tallinn, 2002.
[Salupere, Peterson, Engelbrecht, 2001]
A. Salupere, P. Peterson, and J. Engelbrecht. Long time behaviour of soliton ensembles. Research Report Mech 223/01, Institute of Cybernetics, 2001.
[Peterson, 2001]
P. Peterson. Construction and decomposition of multi-soliton solutions of KdV type equations. Research Report Mech 227/01, 228/01, 229/01, Institute of Cybernetics, 2001.
[Peterson, van Groesen, 1999]
P. Peterson and E. van Groesen. Direct and inverse problem of wave crests modelled by solitons interactions. Research Report 216/99, Institute of Cybernetics, 1999.
[Peterson, 1998]
P. Peterson. Interaction of KdV-type solitons in terms of real space and time variables. Research Report 186/98, Institute of Cybernetics, 1998.
[Peterson, 1998]
P. Peterson. Interaction of KdV-type solitons in terms of phase variables. Interaction soliton. Research Report 185/98, Institute of Cybernetics, 1998.
[Peterson, 1997]
P. Peterson. Analytical solutions of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. JRP-report, University of Twente, 1997.
[Peterson, 1997]
P. Peterson. Analytical solutions of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Research Report 179/97, Institute of Cybernetics, 1997.
[Peterson, 1997]
P. Peterson. Travelling waves in nonconservative media with dispersion. Research Report 178/97, Institute of Cybernetics, 1997.
[Engelbrecht, Peterson, Salupere, 1996]
J. Engelbrecht, P. Peterson, and A. Salupere. Numerical methods in deformation wave dynamics. Research Report EMR 4026, Tallinn Technical University, 1996.
[Engelbrecht, Peterson, Salupere, 1996]
J. Engelbrecht, P. Peterson, and A. Salupere. Spectral analysis of soliton formation. Research Report ESF grant No 1487, Institute of Cybernetics, 1996. (In Estonian).
[Peterson, Salupere, 1996]
P. Peterson and A. Salupere. Solitons in a perturbed Korteweg-de Vries system. Research Report 162/96, Institute of Cybernetics, 1996.
[Peterson, 1994]
P. Peterson. The NAFEMS free vibration benchmark tests to the shipfem beam elements. Technical Report VTT VALB26, Maritime Research Area of the VTT Manufacturing Technology, 1994.
[Peipman, Peterson, Vendelin, 1994]
T. Peipman, P. Peterson, and M. Vendelin. Diffusion of ground water I. Theory, II. Programs. Research Report 105-106/94, Institute of Cybernetics, 1994. (In Estonian)

General publicity

[Peterson, 2006]
PythonThreads interview with Pearu Peterson. December 28, 2006.
[Peterson, 2003]
Pearu Peterson. Ekstreemsed lained. (Extreme waves.) In 5th Autumn School of Young Physicists, Kääriku, Estonia, October 10--12 2003. SLIDES
[Peterson, 2000]
P. Peterson. Pinnalained vees. (Surface waves on water.) Küberneetika Instituudi 40 aastapäev, (The 40th anniversary of Institute of Cybernetics), 2000.
[Peterson, 1999]
P. Peterson. Solitonid madalas vees. (Solitons in shallow water.) Teaduskonverents Kord ja Kaos, ETA, (Scientific conference Order and Chaos, Estonian Academy of Sciences), 1999.
[Salupere, Engelbrecht, Peterson, Maugin, 1998]
A. Salupere, J. Engelbrecht, P. Peterson, and G. A. Maugin. Solitonide formeerumine ja interakteerumine. (Formation and interaction of solitons.) TTÜ teadus- ja arendustegevuse näitus, TTÜ 80. aastapäev, (The 80th anniversary of Tallinn Technical University (TTU), Exposition of scientific and development activities in TTU), 1998.
[Salupere, Engelbrecht, Maugin, Peterson, 1995]
A. Salupere, J. Engelbrecht, G. A .Maugin, and P. Peterson. Formation and interaction of solitons. 3rd Annual Exhibition of the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts, November 22--December 17, 1995.