Arvutiteaduse teooriaseminar (sügis 2011-kevad 2012)

Arvutiteaduse teooriaseminar on Küberneetika Instituudi loogika ja semantika rühma teadlaste lahtine seminar, kuhu on oodatud kõik huvilised, sh kraadiõppurid, IT-firmade töötajad jne, ning kus eesmärgiks on sundimatus õhkkonnas mõõdukas tempos tutvuda uute suundadega, aga ka klassikaga teoreetilise arvutiteaduse alalt, peamiselt programmeerimisteooriast.

Aktiivse osalemise eest võivad kraadiõppurid saada punktid aines TTÜ arvutiteaduse instituudi aines ITT9070/71 Arvutiteaduse teooriaseminar (8.0 EAP).

Jooksev info seminari kohta levib listis tsem(at), mille tellimiseks saata tuleb saata käsk subscribe tsem Eesnimi Perenimi aadressile sympa(at)

Aeg: üldjuhul neljapäevad kl 14-15.30.

Koht: Küberneetika Maja (Akadeemia tee 21), B-korpus, ruum B101.

Esimene seminar toimub N 22.9.


Aeg Teema Ettekandja
N 22.9. When is a container a comonad? Danel A
N 29.9. Controlling cut in sequent calculi for bi-intuitionistic logic Tarmo U
K-R 5.-7.10. SPLST '11  
R-P 7.-9.10. Teooriapäevad Tõrvel  
N 13.10. First-class signals for Functional Reactive Programming Wolfgang J
N 20.10. Record type families: a key to generic record combinators Wolfgang J
N 27.10. First-class subkinds in Haskell Wolfgang J
N 3.11. Coinductive big-step semantics Tarmo U
T 15.11.
A semantics for network-adaptive execution of distributed objects K Palmskog
N 17.11. Undecidability of propositional separation logic and its neighbours J Brotherston
(Imperial College)
R 18.11.
Dynamic logic Boriss Š
N 24.11. Higher-order subtyping for dependent types A Abel
(LMU München)
N 1.12. A finer module system and separate compilation for ABS Elmo T
N 8.12. Dynamic logic ctd Boriss Š
N 15.12. Compiling cooperative multitasking of ABS to Scala Andri S
T 20.12.
A set that is streamless but cannot be proved to be noetherian M Bezem
(U i Bergen)
N 5.1. Identity-based encryption and the generic group model P Laud
R 6.1.
KeY system Boriss Š
N 12.1. Relative monads and lambda-terms James C
N 19.1. Certified parsing Denis F
T 24.1.
Specker's proof of infinity in NF S Tupailo
(U. de Lisboa)
N 26.1. Consistency of strictly impredicative NF S Tupailo
(U. de Lisboa)
R-P 27.-29.1 Teooriapäevad Kubijal  
N 9.2. A lightweight approach to start time consistency in Haskell Wolfgang J
N 16.2. Emulating linear types in Haskell Wolfgang J
N 23.2. On some non-classical and non-constructive axioms Keiko N
P-R EWSCS 2012  
N 15.3. An introduction to Erlang Andri S
R 23.3.
kl 14
An introduction to the study of weighted automata: on rational languages with equal generating functions J Sakarovitch
L-P 24.3.-1.4. ETAPS 2012  
K 4.4.
kl 14
Towards comonadic coeffect systems T Petricek
(U. of Cambridge)
N 19.4. An introduction to category theory and categorical logic Wolfgang J
N 26.4. An introduction to category theory and categorical logic (ctd) Wolfgang J
N 3.5. The Tarski alternative and the Garden-of-Eden theorem Silvio C
N 10.5. Categorical models for two intuitionistic modal logics Wolfgang J
T 15.5.
kl 14
C# programs correctness verification using Spec# tool Boriss Š
E 20.5.
kl 10
Information flow control for concurrent covert termination and timing channels A Russo
N 31.5. Equations: a dependent pattern-matching compiler M Sozeau
(INRIA Paris)
E 4.6.
kl 14
Modelling workflow systems with active folders É Badouel
(INRIA Rennes)
N 7.6. On the α-reconstructibility of workflow nets É Badouel
(INRIA Rennes)
N 5.7. Computational effects, algebraic theories and normalization by evaluation D Ahman
(U. of Cambridge)
N 23.8. To be or not to be created: abstract object creation in dynamic logic W Ahrendt

Varasemad aastad

Tarmo Uustalu
Viimane uuendus 2.7.2012