A. Berezovski.
Internal variables as a tool for extending Navier--Stokes equations.
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics ,
2022. |
M. Mracko, V. Adamek, A. Berezovski, J. Kober, R. Kolman.
Experimental, analytical, and numerical study of transient elastic waves from a localized source in an aluminium strip.
Applied Acoustics,
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A. Berezovski.
Heat conduction in microstructured solids under localised pulse loading.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics ,
33(6), 2021, 2493-2507. |
Vitezslav Adamek, Arkadi Berezovski, Radek Kolman, Michal Mracko.
A two-layer elastic strip under transverse impact loading: analytical solution, finite element, and finite volume simulations.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
129, 2021, 126-140.
Mihhail Berezovski, Arkadi Berezovski.
Discontinuity-Driven Mesh Alignment for Evolving Discontinuities in Elastic Solids.
Journal of Computational Physics,
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A. Berezovski, M.Berezovski.
Dynamics of discontinuities in elastic solids.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,
25(7), 2020, 1416-1428. |
Berezovski, Arkadi, M. Erden Yildizdag, and Daria Scerrato. On the wave dispersion in microstructured solids.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics,
32, 2020, 569–588.
A. Berezovski, T. Soomere (eds.), Applied Wave Mathematics II, Mathematics of Planet Earth, vol 6. Springer, Cham.
2019, 376 pp. |
M.Berezovski, A.Berezovski. An explicit finite volume numerical scheme for 2D elastic wave propagation.
In: A. Berezovski, T. Soomere (eds.), Applied Wave Mathematics II, Mathematics of Planet Earth 6. 2019, pp. 257-280. |
Berezovski, A., R. Kolman, M. Berezovski, D. Gabriel, and V. Adámek. Full field computing for elastic pulse dispersion in inhomogeneous bars.
Composite Structures,
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Berezovski, Mihhail, and Arkadi Berezovski. Numerical Simulation of Energy Localization in Dynamic Materials.
In Advances in Mechanics of Microstructured Media and Structures, pp. 75-83. Springer, Cham, 2018. |
Engelbrecht, Jüri, Andrus Salupere, Arkadi Berezovski, Tanel Peets, and Kert Tamm. "On Nonlinear Waves in Media with Complex Properties.
In Generalized Models and Non-classical Approaches in Complex Materials 1,
pp. 275-286. Springer, Cham, 2018. |
A. Berezovski, P. Ván.
Internal Variables in Thermoelasticity. Springer, Cham,
2017, 220 pp. |
A. Berezovski.
Internal variables associated with microstructures in solids.
Mechanics Research Communications,
93, 2018, 30 - 34. |
A.Berezovski, M.Berezovski.
Numerical simulation of acoustic emission during crack growth in 3-point bending test.
Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring,
24(11), 2017, e1996. |
R.Kolman, M.Okrouhlík, A.Berezovski, D.Gabriel, J.Kopacka, J.Plešek.
B-spline based finite element method in one-dimensional discontinuous elastic wave propagation.
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
46, 2017, 382 – 395. |